Let's be honest. I am not a runner nor have I ever have been. I'm the type of guy that will only run if I'm being chased. Keeping this in mind, the thought of me ever crossing a finish line is highly remote. I do, however, know a few things about finishing something and being able to reflect on how the process went. It is something I do every school year at this time when we hit the last day of school and it feels so good to be able to really accomplish something pretty significant.

We have most likely been told at one point or another that the school year is a marathon and not a sprint. I'm not particularly keen on that analogy because, as stated previously, I don't like to run and find both of those activities excruciating. Instead, I like to reference the tortoise and the hare because it still references a race, but the tortoise operates at a pace I can work with. We are taught in education to make things relevant, so comparing myself to a tortoise is absolutely appropriate. Additionally, I think I can speak for all educators when I say that the end of the school year has us moving more like a turtle than a rabbit.

So what is the point? Honestly, it's pretty simple. We crossed the finish line of this school year. There is no medal for this race and we won't have crowds of people cheering us on as we break through the tape on our final kick. Instead, we will have our colleagues that we can commiserate with and reflect upon all the things we experienced this year at a local establishment as we prepare for a well deserved break. We know another race and another finish line will be upon us shortly, but right now, we aren't thinking about that (or at least we shouldn't be). We are just plain exhausted and want a few moments of silence. Crossing a finish line gives us that respite.

For me, I'm going to take a few moments to relive the highlights of the race that I just completed. Crossing the finish line is a moment of celebration, but it is also a really sad time for me as well. I actually like the race that I am running and I enjoy the company that runs it with me. Sure, it sucks sometimes, but I chose this race and know that every challenge I face is minimal to the joy I get on a daily basis working with teachers and kids. It is a labor of love and I am not about to hide in my tortoise shell because I'm tired. Instead, I'm going to keep my head held up high and cross the finish line over and over again because I don't have quit in me. I do, however, have to take a nap. So until the next race begins, I bid you all a fond farewell. I'll see you at the starting line in August.

#OwnYourEpic #Embrace

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