Finding Your Place

This past weekend, I had a day off from work. It was supposed to be a time to rest and relax and you know what I did? I painted some rooms in our house. You might be thinking, "That doesn't sound too relaxing," but to be honest, I find it really soothing because I can pop in my ear buds, listen to some music or a podcast, and I can make my house my own. There hasn't been a lot of time in the past few months to do these types of things and it has been weighing heavily on me because I haven't felt as if the house was a home because it really wasn't my place. It was someone else's home that I was living in. It was their decor, their wall colors, their vision of what their home should look like. I had not found my place...yet.

I went to Home Depot to grab my supplies. While I waited for the paint to be mixed, I looked around the store to see if there were any interesting light fixtures that I could show my bride to annoy her because we have polar opposite tastes in home decor. I checked out the holiday decorations and wondered why they were selling these items when we haven't even celebrated Halloween or Thanksgiving yet (there will be a blog about this, I promise). I also toured the BBQ smoker section to see if they had any late season sales that I might score on. The whole time, however, I was thinking about how to make my home my place.

When I got home from the store, I went directly to work. I started by patching up some holes in the wall that were left by the previous owners. I then started cutting out the windows, ceiling, and baseboards with a first coat of paint. I then got the roller out and started having fun as I saw the new color go up and the different shades of colors that were left for me started to disappear. It was so satisfying to see it all come together. Unfortunately, I still wasn't getting the feeling that I had found my place. For as much as I tried to envision the final product, I just couldn't picture the outcome, so I kept plugging away. As I wrapped up my day of painting, I felt a lot of pride in the work that I had done. Everything smelled fresh and clean and the rooms appeared to be a cohesive unit of one color instead of a mix of three. I was feeling good, but I still hadn't found my place.

The next day, I worked with my bride to get the room put back together. We bartered on where things should be located, and as usual, she was right because she needed to find her place as much as I did. Together we put pictures on the wall, we put furniture where we felt it needed to be, and we tidied up the space. When all was said and done, we put on a record, sat down, and enjoyed a beverage together. It was at this moment that I had finally found my place. A place where I could relax. I place where I could just be. A place that I could call home.

The moral of the story is that we all need to find our place in this world. Whether it be home or work, we desperately seek out opportunities where we feel like we belong. Sometimes, it takes a lot of work to get to this point, but it is worth the effort because we know that when we find our place, we can stay there for a long time and feel good about it. Other times, we come to the realization that we are trying to jam a square peg into a round whole because we want to make it work out so badly, but it doesn't seem to feel right. It is at this point, we need to make a decision about whether we are going to be content with the current circumstances or move on to something that is going to feel better. For me, I think I have finally found my place. A place where I feel like I belong. A place where I can enjoy spending time. A place that fits me. Now I just need to maintain it so it continues to feel this way.

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