It Only Takes 1


The other day, I must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed because I was moody and grumpy from the moment that I opened my eyes. I'm not sure if I didn't sleep well because my CPAP was blowing air in my face through the night or if I had one of those dreams that seems real until you wake up and realize that it wasn't. I wouldn't actually know because I'm a pretty deep sleeper and I don't remember my dreams. What I do know is that I was not in a good mood from the get go. How's that for a wake up call?

I'm generally a pretty quiet person in the morning. I go about my morning routines and I don't engage in a lot of conversation with people until I have an opportunity to drink a large unsweet tea from the local convenience store. Like a lot of coffee drinkers I know, I am just not really myself until I get that caffeine kick in the morning. Until then, I just keep my head down until the energy kicks in. I'll leave it to your imagination how this went on this particular morning when not only did I not sleep well, but I was also uncaffeinated . It was shaping up to be a stellar day (note the sarcasm).

As I pulled up to the convenience store, I noticed that there were about 10 other cars that were pulling in at the exact same time. I knew this was going to be bad news because it meant there was going to be a line at coffee table where people were going to be mixing their concoctions and all I was going to need was a lid and a straw. I sat in my car and deliberated on whether I should wait a minute or just bite the bullet and head inside. I chose the latter and I feel as if it was a sign.

As I approached the door, I noticed an old man equal distance from the entrance as I was. I have long legs, so I made it to the door before him and I held it open for him because that is what my parents taught me to do. At that moment, he looked at me and smiled. I'm not sure what happened, but that twinkle in his eye had a sudden impact on me and completely changed the direction of my day. I didn't get upset about having to wait behind 5 people at the coffee table who were blocking me from getting my tea and I waited patiently in line behind 2 people who had a handful of scratch tickets they needed to cash in. That old man's smile had cast a spell on me.

You see, it only takes one. One smile, one kind word, or one random act of kindness that can change the trajectory of anyone's day. We sometimes miss these opportunities because we are too self-involved with our own issues that we are dealing with, but if we would all just take a moment, we may find that one thing that will improve our day as well as those around us. 

#OwnYourEpic #Connect