Are You For Real?

The other day I had someone ask me if all the stuff I write and posts that I put on social media are for real or just an elaborate show. They indicated that no one is that happy and that positive all the time, so what was I trying to accomplish? I was taken aback by the question because I have always viewed myself as an authentic person who is very transparent. I told this person that I say/write how I feel and what I believe in the hopes that I will be able to connect with others. I shared with them that I am not always happy, and to be honest, get really low and angry sometimes, but I make a choice to look forward and be positive about what is to come. So am I for real? Yes, I am as real as the next person, but I choose to demonstrate and exude positivity in all facets of my life even when things aren't going well when others might not do the same. It's a choice I make because I realize that I am going to have to live with the consequences, both positive and negative, that come from this point of view and I am okay with that.

An epic story is full of highs and lows, but how we choose to tell the story is what makes it memorable. We curate and cultivate our stories so that others can learn about us. Those that only share the highlights are not being real because they are intentionally trying to shield their faults so others can't see a weakness. I, on the other hand, share failures and highlights because they tell the whole story of who I am and I have come to be the person I am. Does this open me up for criticism? Absolutely, but at least I am being real. Don't get me wrong, I fall desperately short of expectations at times and I get angry, loud, frustrated, and unhappy, but I make a choice to not let those feelings get in the way of thinking positively about what is to come.

I guess what I am trying to say is that you can be positive and unhappy at the same time if you make the choice to do so. Another option would be to be unhappy and negative, and if this is your choice, then so be it. Either way, just be for real and acknowledge that you are making a choice to share your story in the way that you want to tell it. For me, that means that I am going to continue to put positivity out in the world even when I am not feeling it because I never know who I am going to connect with and the impact that my story may have on them. So am I for real? Well, I'm as real as the next human being. I'm just a little more candid than others about putting truth and positivity out in the world in the hopes that it might make someone else's day better.

#OwnYourEpic #Connect