There Are No Gimmies

One of my passions in life is playing golf. I started playing when I was about 7 years old and my enthusiasm for the game has only grown over time. To those who have never played the game, it seems a bit odd that you would hit a ball, chase after it, and then hit it again, only to repeat the effort over and over again. Additionally, those who haven't played the game often view it as boring and a good way to catch a nap on a Sunday afternoon if it is on television. To me, however, I can't get enough of the game and try to find as much time as I can to play. Keeping this in mind, I must say that I have had my fair share of broken clubs, curse words, and embarrassment on the golf course, but I keep on coming back because it is a game that humbles me to the core. No matter how well I play, there is always room for improvement and seeking the perfect score is impossible.

Golf to me is a metaphor for life and we can all learn a thing or two from the game. You have moments of greatness like a hole-in-one or a low round and times of difficulty like penalty strokes, whiffs, and errant shots. Regardless of how you are playing, you must press on and try to salvage the round and find improvements you can make in the moment so you can get better. It is a humbling game that will quickly knock you off the pedestal you think you are on no matter how good you are at playing it.

In the movie The Legend of Bagger Vance, Bagger references the field and letting your authentic swing find you. He speaks of clearing the noise around you and focusing on the field so you can become one with the game. His speech epitomizes what we should all be looking for when we are seeking that which we want. It is a message of clarity, focus, and hope. When you are in "the field" you realize that there are no gimmies and that you must be all-in if you hope to find success. Committing to being all-in doesn't mean you aren't going to encounter difficulties, but rather, it means that you know that in spite of the difficulties, you will prevail.

While the game of golf isn't the profession any of us has chosen, we can still learn from the game and utilize the lessons it teaches us. Whether you are a golf junkie like me or you haven't ever picked up a club, the message is clear. Find your field and don't try to take a shortcut. You may end up in the weeds or in the deep woods, but if you keep hacking away, you will eventually find the cup.

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