Until We Meet Again

Today marked the Commencement of Class of 2015 from my school and as always, I find myself reflecting on my time with these young adults. I saw many of these students on their first day of high school and watched them grow and mature as they handled the ups and downs of high school. As they walked across the stage today, I was reminded of how every single one of them had their own journey through high school and it was culminating now. For many, the high school experience was very similar to my own. For a few others, they took a meandering route. The bottom line is that they all ended at the same point and all of them get to choose the path they want to explore next. Before they go, however, I want to give them some final advice from the principal.

Choose Your Attitude
Only you get to decide how you are going to act/react to events in your life. Do not hand that power over to someone else. You get to decide whether you are going to have a positive outlook on life or if you are going to blame others for your shortcomings. Life is a journey and you will stumble from time to time. You need to ask yourself if you are willing to get back up, dust yourself off, and move forward or if you are going to blame the rock that made you trip in the first place. Choose the former because it will lead to a more satisfying life.

Embrace Your Failures and Learn From Them
Remember those tests or assignments you failed in high school? They won't be the last failures of your life. Failure is a natural part of life and needs to occur if you want to grow. Embrace the failures in your life and learn from them. Tell people about the failures and how you will learn and grow from them. Failures make you a stronger person and they build character.

Be the Best Possible You DAILY
The world deserves to see your AWESOMENESS on a daily basis. There will always be some sort of drama or circumstance that potentially can derail your ability to be the best possible you, but find a way past this.

Congratulations Class of 2015! Class is dismissed.

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