Our Future Is Bright

Our young people get a bad rap sometimes. You don't have to look too far in the media to see pundits making claims that our younger generations are misguided and not prepared to lead. Well I have news for you, these pundits are wrong and I only have to look to what happened last night for proof.

My school was playing its first football game of the season at a town about two hours away. Although we lost the game, I contend that we won something far greater. Upon arriving at the field, the student section had already began filling up. They were all decked out in the theme of the night (TOGA) and they had posted a sign stating #PrayforSAM painted in the opposing school's colors. My typical administrative response was to find out what this was all about. What I found out was that students from my school had discovered on Twitter that a member of the opposing team lost his house in a fire recently. They decided that they were going to help out in any way that they could.

At halftime, I was approached by three of my high school students and they asked me if I would escort them to the other side of the field so they could visit with the school's administration. My student body had taken up a collection during the week and had raised nearly $200 to give to the family to help them out through a difficult time. When we arrived on the other side of the field, we were met with some boos from the other student section and some looks of, "What the heck are you doing on our side!" We found one of the administrators, introduced ourselves, and my students presented and explained the gift. It was in that moment that we found out that the young man who the money was collected for had a pretty severe knee injury earlier in the game. The administrator and priests (we were playing a Catholic school) were very grateful and thanked us. 

After delivering the gift with the students, I returned back to our side of the field and reflected on what I had just been a part of. My students, out of the goodness of their own hearts, came together to help out people in need that they had previously no connection with. It was in that moment that I realized that our future is VERY bright. Not long after we had returned to our side, I was visited by the Principal and Superintendent of the other school. They wanted to thank my students for their generosity. Additionally, the opposing student section began a chant thanking us and an announcement was made over the PA system announcing what my students had done. It was a magical night that you don't get to see too often. 

Robert M. Pirsig, author of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance wrote, "The place to improve the world is first in one's own heart and head, and hands." I was reminded of this Friday night that I am blessed to be around students who are interested in making the world a better place. Friday night was a night where I think Coach Gaines' speech in Friday Night Lights is appropriate. Tonight, my students were PERFECT!